Carla Detrieux, Volta Trucks
Carla Detrieux
Business Development Director
Volta Trucks

Volta Trucks’ Director of Business Development, Carla Detrieux, was part of the founding team and pivotal in shaping and defining the company’s mission to be the leader in zero emissions, safe and sustainably mobility. Starting her career in the hospitality sector with Best Western and Ritz Carlton Hotel Company, Carla has put customer relationships and experience at the heart of the Volta Trucks’ business development strategy, spearheading partnership, collaboration, and knowledge sharing, which culminated in Europe’s two largest-ever orders of electric heavy commercial vehicles, with Petit Forestier and DB Schenker. Since Volta Trucks launched four years ago, the commercial team has grown exponentially, with cross-sector experience, facilitating market entry into seven European countries, soon North America and customer engagement across multiple industries.

My Sessions
The Big Debate: Future of HGV Technology
Panel discussion Knowledge Zone - Hall 2a